Thank You
From The Family Of
Sergeant Justin Norton
We would like to take a moment to thank all of the businesses and people who came together to honor our fallen son, Justin Norton. We have been dealt a sorrow so deep, it is impossible to face alone. Had it not been for the support of the many friends, family, businesses, and even complete strangers, we wouldn’t have been able to get through this most difficult time.
It is only proper that we thank the following people and organizations for their incredible compassion: Mills & Mills Funeral Home and Memorial Gardens and its staff, Lacey Firefighters Association, Thurston County Sheriff’s Department, Y.C.O.M. Networks, Puerto Vallerta Restaurant, the Gold Star Mothers, the Patriot Guard, the V.F.W., the American Legion, Rainier High School, the Yelm Chamber of Commerce, the City of Rainier, the Rainier Sportsman’s Club, Rite Aid, Safeway of Yelm and Lacey, Q.F.C., Annette Gavette, Belinda Hayner, Danielle Westbrook, and Cassie Soto.
Thank you to the Bagpipers for the beautiful music and to Dave Pearsall for the releasing of the doves. The establishment of and its subsequent support by Sandi Hanson and Michelle Armstrong of Prairie Techies has been invaluable. Thank you to our amazing family; you are all pillars of strength that we were able to lean upon. Thank you to Wendi Shaw, Brian Van MondFrans, Erika Haakenson, Shannon Anderson, Sara DeVore, Sherrie Carver, Natalie Catalana, Marie Schnieder, Kent and Tina Mace, and all of our neighbors who gave their support.
Our deepest gratitude is extended to all others for their kind words, silent hugs, and thoughts of support. Lastly, we want to express thanks for all of the beautiful flowers, cards, and scholarship donations to the Justin D. Norton Scholarship Fund ( that we have received.
With deepest thanks,
Gary and Chris Warnock